All the Artists - -÷---------------÷- - This is, believe it or not, a list of ALL artists (that we've been able to spot), who sometime in their lifes has released something that could be called an Ascii-collection. The names listed below, My gentlemen, are The Artists. Quick key-definition should go like this: - = Artist don't use any tag. Easy eh? Well, lets go then, 452 Artists. And that means that there since the first issue of the Ascii Gazette has appeared 28 new artists on our beloved Ascii-scene. Please bring us more names, if you know any, by telling about them to xClUZiWe at any board or (for fastest update) at the Ascii Gazette Station, Another Step. By the way, this part of the Ascii- Gazette was done with some help from the sysop himself, Fatal. 2Fast [ 2F ] 610 [ 6¹° ] 911 [ 911 ] Acid Kid [ adk! ] Adon [ AdN! ] Adrock [ aRk ] Afg [ AFG ] Aguila [ -aGA ] Amblin [ aBn! ] Anf [ AnF! ] Antopheles [ -AnT!] A Perfect Craziness [ ApC ] Appomatox [ aptx ] Aqua [ aQua ] Aragon [ arg ] Artic Cat [ AC ] Aryan [ aRYAn] Atlantic [ atl! ] Atom [ AToM ] Axe [ aXe ] Axeblade [ ab ] Axy [ aXY ] B.Cyclo+ [ bC+ ] BashGuard [ BsG ] Bastard [ b!d ] Bc [ BC ] Beavis [ bvs ] Behemoth [ bHm ] Bhudda [ bUdd] Bibopp [ b¿b ] Biscrok [ bIS ] Black Dragon [ B.D. ] BlackPanther [ BP ] Blazer [ bZr ] Boheme [ bHe ] Boone [bOONE!] Boomer [ ßmR ] Booth [ Bo ] Boozo [ bOz ] Breeze [ bRZ ] Btw [ BtW ] Bugge [ bUG ] BuzzWipe [ b!w ] C-Real [ cRL ] Caine [ c ] CaptainCaveman [ [CC] ] Carbon2 [ c2! ] Case [ -cASE] Cateye [ cte ] Caxx [ c% ] CeeJay [ cJ ] Cenobite [ ©nb ] Chrombacher [ cRb ] Cip [ CIP ] Clairvoyant [ (c) ] Clone [ cL! ] Coco Pops [ cp ] Cola [ cOLa ] Cook [ c0ok ] CountDan [ cD! ] CountZero [ c0! ] Crack [ Ck ] Cray [ CRaY ] Crazy [ -cR ] Crocat [CRoCAT] Crusader [ cDr ] Crypth [ CrT ] Cryptor [ cP! ] Cuz [ CuZ ] Cybergod [ cG! ] Cyberkid [ ck! ] CyberPunk [ !cP! ] Cyclone [ cyc! ] Czar [ czar ] Dale [ DaLE ] Danzig [ dZG ] Dartagnan [ -DtN ] Dash [ d! ] Data [ dA! ] Dave [ ÐÅ! ] Daze [ dAZE ] DDay [ dDay ] DeathLord [ dL! ] Dee [ dee ] Delite [ dLT ] Demax [ -d- ] DeOne [ ^d1 ] DerHm [ ð ] Desert [ D! ] Desoto [ dto ] DethCrush [ dC! ] Devistator [ dV$ ] Dexter [ Dt ] Dino [ dNo ] Dirk [[DiRK!] Dizy [ dIzY!] Dmd [ dmD! ] Doc [ DoC ] Dos [ dOS ] Dr.AnalFreser [Dr.AnL] Dragon [ dGN! ] Drakar [ dK! ] Drastic [ dRS ] Draw [ dRAw ] Druid [ dRD ] Dual [ (d!) ] Dvize [ DVz ] Dyonisos [ dNSs ] Eagle [ egl ] Easy [ eZY ] ElBruto [ eb ] Elf¡n [ e! ] Elric [ EL? ] Elvis [ ] Enforcer [ eNf ] Epitaphic [ iC ] Everslick [ vsl ] Evrimsson [ evr ] Exciter [ eXC ] Exocet [ ÷e÷ ] Fatal [ fTL ] Fate [ fATE ] Fckw [ fCkW ] Fiddler [ &f ] FireMan [ F M ] Flexor [ fXR ] Flite [ ÷f!÷ ] Flux [ fX ] Foss [ none ] - Frame [ fRM ] Frb [ fRB ] Fred [ fRD ] Funki [ F@nK!] G.d.m. [ gdm ] Gandhi [ ^GdH!] Generator [ GEN ] GodFather [ GoDF!] Godhead [ GdH ] Goonie [ goo ] Gozz [ gZ! ] GraveDancer [ gD! ] Green Eyed Monster [ gEm ] Grimlock [ g®m ] H2o [ H2o ] Harpoon [ HrP ] Hasslan [ Hsl ] Hausfrau [ hF! ] Hawkwind [ hKWd ] HemligeArne [ HmL ] Hermafrodit-L.K. [ hflk ] Hijack [ ·hJ· ] Hiro Protagonist [ hP! ] Hitech [ H ] Homicide [ hMC ] Hooligan [ hoo ] HotStepper [ HS! ] Hotwire [ HTW ] Ian [ iAN! ] Icarus [ ic! ] IceCube [ ID ] Indie [ ^iN ] Indy [ iNDY ] Inferno [ IfN ] Infusion [ n! ] Insane Madman [ ©imd ] Isaac [ ¡$Ç! ] Iso [ iSø ] Jack Danielz [ -jD! ] Janitor [ jT ] Jase [ J5 ] Java [ jA! ] Jedi [ Jedi ] Jess [^jESS^] Jesse James [ -J.J-] Jewel [ [JWL]] Jhh [ ] Squarepusher [ sQ! ] Stab [ SP! ] Stash [ s% ] Steel [ StEeL] Stevie [ sTV ] Stezotehic [ sTZ! ] Sting [ ] Stone Angel [ sA! ] Storm [ sTORM] Stranger [ STR ] Stratos [ st! ] Strauss [ sT^ ] Strife [ Stf ] Style [ [sT] ] StyleWars [ sTw ] Stylez [ sYz ] Sundance [ sD! ] Sunscream [ SSC! ] SuperTouch [ sT ] Sy-Klone [ SyK! ] Sys [ ·$· ] Tango [ tGø ] Taxi [ tAXi ] Tb-303 [ 3o3 ] Tbm [ tbM ] Terminal Silence [ tS ] Terminator [ tRm ] Tha Grinder [ gr ] The Crow [ ÷tC÷ ] The Founder [ tF! ] The Kestrel [ tK! ] The Player [ Tp! ] The Prophet [ {tp} ] Thurlog [ cla ] Titus [ t¤ ] Tommy [ t0! ] Tony Baretta [ ©tb ] Tranziie [ 7Rz ] Traveller [ ©ron ] Trazer [ tRZ ] Treach [ -tre!] Trifixion [ +TRi-] Trinity [ tRN! ] Trivial [ t^ ] Trooper [ [t] ] Tsar1 [ tsar1] Turbo [ 2rbo ] Tyson [ Tsø ] U-man [ uMn ] V-Cut [ V-c! ] Vega [ vG ] Vietcong [ vC! ] Vince [ vNc ] Vinzi [ >vNZ ] Violence [ VLe ] Virtu [ v!r ] Vladimir [ dmD! ] Voltage [ vol ] Vortex [ Vo ] Wacko [ WACKO] Warlock [ wAr ] Wayne [ ] Wea [ WeA ] Webster [ ·w! ] Wedlock [ »WLK ] WhirlWind [ WhW! ] Whitesnake [ WS ] Wishbringer [ wB! ] Woober [ wBr ] Xcluziwe [ xCz ] X-Modus [ x! ] X-Ray [ xRAY ] Xor [ xOr ] Yop [ yop ] Zack [ zACk ] Zagax [ zGx ] Zaphod [ zd! ] Zarkof [ Zf ] Zcandaler [ [Z] ] Zen [ Z=. ] Zenon [ zEnOn] Zeus [ zS! ] ZeuS [ ZeuS ] Zin [ Z! ] Zok [ Z0K ] Zombie [ ZMb ] Zorro [ 2o! ] ZouZou [ zOu ] Zygote [ GoTE ] Ångest [ ånG? ]